
We love a Saturday quiz. Especially the newspaper variety. The kind that’s done while sitting in a cafe, eating chilli scramble and drinking long blacks. We wanted to create that same experience, but online — for those of us who never go anywhere without our phones (and somehow always forget to bring a pen).

With our laptops closed on the weekend and our emails strictly out-of-bounds, we thought: why don’t we send a text message? We put a call-out to see if anyone would like to receive a quiz via SMS. And at least 50 people wanted to give us their mobile number. This was on a Wednesday — we hadn’t even built a website or written our first quiz yet.

Three days later, we sent the first edition of Saturday Quiz Time. Since then, 50 texts have turned into over 15,000 subscribers. Our offering has expanded beyond quizzes to puzzles and games. We order batch brews now. (But still dig a good chilli scramble.)