Economics, Commonwealth Games, 50/50, Ups & Downs, and Occupations by Nickname.
Why can't we just print more money?
What German philosopher, critical theorist and economist is known for writing The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital?
What happens to the price of a good or service when supply exceeds demand?
Who is Australia's current Minister for Finance?
According to The Economist's Big Mac Index, what country currently has the most expensive Big Macs in the world?
In what board game do players build settlements by buying, spending and trading resources of wool, grain, lumber, brick, and ore?
Commonwealth Games
Look we know it's not the Olympics.
The 2022 Commonwealth Games are hosted in the English city of Birmingham - what name is given to people who come from that city?
Name one of the two cities to have hosted the Commonwealth Games twice
English actor Jason Statham competed for England in the 1990 Commonwealth Games in what sport?
What was inside the baton used in the 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay?
Which of the following sports is not included in the 2022 Commonwealth Games - para table tennis, lawn bowls or rowing?
Commonwealth Games
Half the time it you get it right all the time.
Which Australian city is further north - Cairns or Broome?
Which artist was born first - Matisse or Monet?
Which colour belt represents a higher level in karate - blue or yellow?
Which of these words is usually a verb - affect or effect?
Which son of Adam and Eve committed murder - Cain or Abel?
Ups & Downs
Life is full of them.
A 'down' is a period of play in what sport?
In the Disney Pixar film Up what food does Kevin the bird enjoy?
Down syndrome is a genetic condition caused by an extra what?
Which actress is mentioned in the lyrics of the song Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars?
Watership Down is an adventure novel about a group of what?
Ups & Downs
Occupations by Nickname
Quickfire time: can you name the occupation based on the following nicknames?
Bean counter
Occupations by Nickname
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