Sport & Games, Wordplay, 50/50, Science & Nature, and First Episodes.
Sport & Games
Let’s kick things off.
Matildas star Mary Fowler plays for what English Women’s Super League club?
What country won the 2023 Rugby World Cup?
Wild World, City Folk and New Horizons are all instalments in what video game series?
Assuming both cards are different suits, what number card paired with a 2 is considered the worst starting hand in a game of Texas Hold ‘Em poker?
What piece of sporting equipment would you use if you were playing a game of Pickleball?
Sport & Games
Warming you up for our new weekly Crossword - available today!
“Acca Dacca” is an affectionate slang term for what Australian band?
What six-letter verb is also the name of a European language when the first letter is capitalised?
What word can precede break, felt and beat to form three new words?
The name of what beach-side suburb in Adelaide is a palindrome?
What letter of the alphabet occurs the most times as the penultimate letter in country names?
It’s a coin toss.
Which side of the road do more countries drive on - the left or the right?
As the crow flies, which city is closer to Melbourne - Adelaide or Sydney?
Who spent more time in the position of a world leader - Franklin D. Roosevelt or Sir Robert Menzies?
As of October 2023, which social media app has more active users - TikTok or Instagram?
Before 2023, which franchise has released the most live-action feature films - Star Wars or Star Trek?
Science & Nature
Some questions about things discovered by people who asked questions.
“If it’s brown, lay down. If it’s black, fight back. If it’s white, goodnight” is a mnemonic phrase referring to what type of animal?
From the Greek for “twig”, what is the word for a plant or animal made from a portion of another (without sexual reproduction)?
What insects live in a formicary?
Of the three basic rock types, which is formed when pre-existing rocks are weathered and deposited elsewhere?
Number 43 on the Periodic Table, Technetium, was the first element to be what?
Science & Nature
First Episodes
Can you name the TV show from the title of its first episode?
Skeleton On The Dunny (1990)
The One Where It All Began (1994)
Space Pilot 3000 (1999)
A Study in Pink (2010)
Red Light, Green Light (2021)
First Episodes
Last Week's Scores
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- 20 Foe
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- 20 Ben & Syl
- 21 TJ Best
Random Scores
- 14 Jon and Skye
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- 18 Carissa
- 14 Lucy and I
- 8 ZeCats
- 17 Slurping the slop
- 18 Bec
- 17 Piddler and Sis
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Out of Order
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The Crossword
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Who Am I?
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Quizmaster Flash
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Art Muddle
A block puzzle with classic works of art.
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