Skincare, Make Some Noise, Mountains, Crime & Punishment, and Fictional Addresses.
We're all getting younger.
Legend has it that Cleopatra bathed in what substance to improve her complexion?
Beginning with the letter P, what family of related chemicals are commonly used as preservatives in cosmetic products?
Who is the founder of the Australian skincare brand Go-To?
According to the Australian Cancer Council's "Slip, Slop, Slap" campaign, what does "Slip" refer to?
What is the first step in Patrick Bateman's skincare routine?
Make Some Noise
It's getting loud in here.
What artist painted The Scream in 1893?
What word for a news article also means a loud noise, such as when a gun is fired?
What is unique about the amplifiers demonstrated by guitarist Nigel Tufnel in the film Spinal Tap?
What part of the ear is the most sensitive to damage from sudden loud sounds?
According to the English proverb what vessels make the most noise?
Make Some Noise
Taking this quiz to great heights.
Turkey's Mount Ararat is believed by some to be the resting place of what biblical vessel?
What Himalayan mountain, nicknamed the Savage Mountain, is widely considered to be more difficult to climb than neighbouring Everest?
The chamois is a species of goat-antelope native to mountains on what continent?
Which of these famous mountains is the lowest - The Matterhorn, Mount Kilimanjaro or Mount Fuji?
Five of the ten tallest mountains in the solar system are found on what planet?
Crime & Punishment
If you're rich it's just crime.
Terrorist Ted Kaczynski is also known by what nickname?
Queensland was the first Australian state or territory to abolish the death penalty, doing so in which decade of the 20th century?
John Hinckley Jr.'s 1981 attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan was a scheme to impress what actress he had a fixation with?
Who is the current chief justice of the Australian High Court?
Notorious gangster Al Capone spent seven years in prison after being convicted of what crime?
Crime & Punishment
Fictional Addresses
Quickfire time: can you name who lives at the following fictional addresses?
221B Baker Street, London
124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom, Pacific Ocean
4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey
301 Cobblestone Way, Bedrock
42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Fictional Addresses
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